What we do

End Child Abuse UK

Building a Safer World for Children


Lend your support by signing the PreventED petition to pressure the government to train teachers in the battle against child sexual abuse.

#PreventEd #FiveMillionChildrenSafe

Ending child sexual abuse in the UK should be the government’s top priority. Put simply, it isn’t. Government after government have failed to deal with this growing problem and turned a blind eye, citing the strain on the police, social services, the courts and the prison system.

It’s the hidden secret that no one likes to talk about.

Until now.

​Without your support in pressuring the government to pass the right laws, over 5 million innocent children remain at high risk. We must act now to end this blight on our society.


Sexual abuse of children is nothing short of a national epidemic in the United Kingdom, impacting millions of innocent lives.

1 in 10 children will suffer child sexual abuse before the age of 18.

Whilst official statistics paint an appalling picture, the scale is likely to be much higher due to unsurmountable barriers to disclosure. Evidence shows over 90% of abuse is carried out by someone the victim knows, or known by the family.

Children are suffering in silence and perpetrators are operating with impunity.
It occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education.

That’s why we’ve set our sights on a bold goal:

Make the UK the safest place in the world, free from child sexual abuse, where children can grow up healthy, happy and safe.