About us

Who we are

PreventED is a project of the National Network to End Child Abuse. We look to prevent child sexual abuse through education and awareness protecting children throughout the UK.

Want to help?
Contact us to see what you can do to make a difference in the community you live in.

Our approach

Our Mission
Our mission is simple. With your support, we aim to pressure the government to implement new legislation so we can:

Educate 265,000 teachers so they have the tools and the know how to recognise the tell-tale signs that child abuse is occurring.

Empower teachers in the fight against child sex abuse by training them about how to respond to signs of abuse and report their concerns
Protect over 5 million innocent victims of child sex abuse by legislating for the biggest change to the system in 20 years in order to stop this growing epidemic of abuse.

Our Vision
We build a country where each and every child is safe and happy and able to live a joyous and full life.

Our entire team and supporters share this unified vision and will not rest until each and every child in the United Kingdom can enjoy a life free from abuse.


Any donations made here will specifically be used for the PreventEd campaign and will help us pressure the government to introduce this essential legislation. Donations will also be used to help design and develop the E-learning programmes that will educate and empower teachers, parents and children in the prevention of child sexual abuse.

Yes certainly, it costs around £10 to send a prevention pack to a school, and it costs even less for someone to click and share our resources, together we can end this horrific crime.

Start by learning the resources and signs so you can protect your own family, build a family safety plan. Share our resources with your friends, family and business / work network. Lobby your member of parliament, Sign our petition. In fact there is so much you can do to stand together with every child in the UK.

NNECA (national network to end child sexual abuse) specifically work to prevent abuse through education and awareness programmes. PreventEd is a unique programme that looks to pressure the government to introduce mandatory legislation to protect over 5 million primary school children.

Legislation to introduce mandatory accredited training for all teachers and school staff in child sexual abuse prevention. Schools need to adopt a “whole school” approach to tackling and preventing systematic abuse.

This legislation looks for every staff member to understand, identify, and manage the reporting phase. Should we succeed in our mission to push the government into changing legislation, the PreventEd training course will be delivered through online and mobile E-Learning applications providing the necessary flexibility for teachers. E-Learning allows continuous reinforcement of content and skills, and will allow all primary schools to be trained within months, unlike school-based workshop training. We advocate that the Department for Education certifies best practice guidelines and quality assurance.

Governments have argued for adapting existing legislation to fill the gaps. However, it is our view that this won’t work for the reasons below;

  1. The UK has no existing laws that cover mandatory child sexual abuse prevention training of teachers and staff within schools.
  2. The current safeguarding training within school settings does not sufficiently cover CSA and early-stage interventions.
  3. Whilst there is some CSA prevention training carried out, it is not consistent, and lacks certification and accreditation by the Department of Education.

Unlike most countries around the world that have some form of mandatory CSA reporting for regulated environments such as schools, the UK has only discretionary requirements.

NNECA achieves 3 + million monthly impressions of our abuse prevention resources across several digital and social media channels. Our reach is increasing daily as more and more individuals and organisations join our network and share our materials.

The National Network to End Child Abuse (NNECA) is a registered UK charity and was established in 2012 when our founder, Suhail Hanif was frustrated with the lack of change in the areas of child sexual abuse and exploitation. Suhail believes that “one child is one child too many” and until we protect every last child we will continue to exist.

We’re facing nothing short of a child sexual abuse epidemic. Suhail believes schools must adopt a ‘whole-school’ approach to child sexual abuse, meaning every teacher, every staff member, every child and every parent are empowered and equipped with the relevant age-appropriate prevention training to identify the signs of abuse, and possess the knowledge for next steps.